


HSX 3.58.00

HSX sources has been released under GPL.

* Enhancements


new plugin to support HL broadcast function. On new style account, a flag has been added to enable/disable per user broadcast. By default, broadcast is disabled.

 * Bug fixes


In download function, when the wanted file is an URL, HSX now tests the right client capability.




HSX 3.57.00

* Enhancements


A new function named „file redirector“ has been added. If you create a symbolic link containing an URL („http://….“ or „ftp://….“), you can store files anywhere on another server. Using the „file redirector“ you can reduce your network load by storing files on one or more of the multiple servers providing free drive space.

If the client supports this feature, download of such file is totally transparent. Not all HSX functions support the „file redirector“, here is the list of working one:

+ file info

+ file download

+ file delete (it deletes the link, not the file itself)

For non-compatible client, all functions are transparent except the download.


Due to the fact the file is stored remotely, HSX currently can’t provide file size to client. In the symbolic link, after the URL, you can add the string „\nsssss“ where \n is the carriage return (ctrl-v ctrl-j) or line feed (ctrl-v ctrl-n) and sssss if the file size in byte.

Ex: if a symlink contains\n516 The client will display a file named ghx_e.html having a size of 516 bytes.

To be VALID, the symlink name must be the same as the name after the last / of the URL. In the previous example, the symlink name must be „ghx_e.html“. A new plugin named „redir_file“ allows creation of „file redirector“ remotely.

 * Bug fixes





HSX 3.56.01



Bug fixes


Sometimes, when a user client deletes a file, the client hangs. This bug has been removed.




HSX 3.56

* Enhancements


new chat commands have been added /servinfo, /userinfo banner is now supported (check DATABASE file for more information). When a client asks for information on a file, if the client supports this feature, HSX can return a preview of the file. * Bug fixes


It is now possible to provide a path which contains symbolic links as file root dir path. In such case, previous version requires to declare the root directory as an external path or they display an empty directory.

File info function now works properly. Pervious version has a bug which may crash HSX.




HSX 3.53

* Enhancements


To site admins who run a server on a multi-homed computer, a new key named cnx.ip as been introduced in the database. If this key exists and is not empty, only IPs contained in the key value can be used to connect the site. Thus, you are able to choose from which network interface users can connect. (check DATABASE file for more information)

Some news flags have been added to the new style account. They all deals with threaded news support:

* can delete articles

* can delete groups

* can delete threads

* can create groups

* can create threads

Previous versions only allow such rights to an admin account. Those new flags have 0 (not allowed) as default value. A new flag is now supported by HSX: -s .If this flag is used AND the process is owned by root, HSX chroots into the site directory before running.


= not all features have been tested.

= If you have developped a plugin which needs special libraries you

may have some problems. Take a look at LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var to solve the problem.

= All symbolic links must use a relative path instead of an absolute one and moreover, if the destination of the symbolic links is beyond chrooted HSX scope, destination won’t be reachable.

* Bug fixes
