IX. Command line options

This is a list of currently available command line options:

  • -h: this option prints inline HSX help.
  • -c <config-file>: This option is mandatory. It specifies the configuration filename to use.
  • -v: switch into verbose mode. HSX displays more messages
  • -l <log-file>: Defines the log filename. Current version of HSX doesn’t speak a lot :-).
  • -m <digit>: this option is reserved for future HSX version, currently, it is not taken into account.
  • -n: In normal mode, HSX generates directory cache file in all directories of the site. This speeds up directory download. However, if your files directory is stored on a read-only device or partition, HSX can’t create cache and disables directory reading. If you are in such case, use this option. HSX creates temporary cache file in /tmp. Be very careful with this option. If enabled, you MUST not run multiple HSX daemons (with -n option) because they use the same cache file. This option will be replaced in the future by a more efficient one.
  • -k <digit>: this option defines the length of server encrpytion key. Default value is 0 (no encryption). Legal values are from 8 (8bits key) to 16 (72bits key). If no encryption key is defined, client can’t talk with server in encrypted mode but server can talk with client in encrypted mode (if client has defined an encryption key).
  • -u: enable fast asynchronous transferts (only for beta post 99/01/30).
  • -x <digit>: change download policy (0=multiple download from 1 client allowed, 1=not allowed, 2=same as 1 but client is kicked).
  • -r: enable ring support.
  • -s: chroots into base directory before allowing connection (root required).